Tag Archives: Fire Force


Tribute to the RAR Those fighting men of the RAR longest serving Regiment by far Their history spread through many a year they fought with pride, showing no fear Egypt, Malaya, Congo then Rhodesia marching and singing , made it … Continue reading

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“Zororai Zvakanaka. Tichazo Sangana Varume” “Lest We Forget” 11th February 1979 – Rct Thembikile Shabani, Depot RAR, KIA. 7th February 1978 Rfn Aleck de Barreto, – 2(Indp) Coy RAR, DOAS. 1973 – Pte George Mandivengereyi (aged 29), 1st Bn RAR, … Continue reading

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Rosenfels family

The RAR would like to take this opportunity to post a special Remembrance to the Rosenfels family whom have always had such close ties with the Rhodesian African Rifles: 7th February 1979 – 2 Lt Desmond “Chappie” Rosenfels BCR (Post), … Continue reading

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